Script Auto Like Jempoler

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a simple way to add a facebook like button to your website Auto Like and Unlike facebook ScriptingAuto Like and Unlike facebook Scripting – Anda suka maen facebook, senang mengklik like atau unlike status teman anda? Ingin cara cepat atau automatis mengklik like tersebut? Berikut saya masukkan script Auto Like and Unlike facebook dibawah ini..
Untuk memulai script ini, copy dan paste script berwarna merah ini kedalam url address lalu tekan enter / go..

    • javascript:var i=0;ex=0;s=0;function EXP_ALL(){ExpandComm = document.getElementsByTagName("input");for(e = 0; e < ExpandComm.length; e++){myClass = ExpandComm[e].getAttribute("class");if(myClass != null && myClass.indexOf("stat_elem") >= 0)if(ExpandComm[e].getAttribute("name") == "view_all")ExpandComm[e].click()}}function JEMPOLERS(){jempol = document.getElementsByTagName("button");for(j = 0; j < jempol.length; j++){myClass = jempol[j].getAttribute("class");if(myClass != null && myClass.indexOf("like_link") >= 0)if(jempol[j].getAttribute("name") == "like")jempol[j].click()};}function JEMPOLERC(){buttons = document.getElementsByTagName("button");for(x = 0; x < buttons.length; x++){myClass = buttons[x].getAttribute("class");if(myClass != null && myClass.indexOf("stat_elem") >= 0)if(buttons[x].getAttribute("title") == "Like this comment")buttons[x].click()};}function updateTime(){ex=ex+1;i=i+1;s=s+1;if (ex==5){EXP_ALL();ex=0};if (s==5){ex=0;JEMPOLERS();s=0};if (i==2){JEMPOLERC();i=0;}}alert('-==[FB STATUS & COMMENTS LIKE GENERATOR]==-\n\nScript by TheCode31337-');updateTime();window.setInterval(updateTime, 1000);void(0)

Selamat mencoba..
Dan jadilah master like di facebook kamu…
Baca yang ini juga yukk..